Application Services

End-To-End Application Services

Our Concept of Application Services

Application Services

The concept of our application service is explained in the following points:

We use modern technologies and approaches. We eagerly utilize and constantly develop our competencies in IoT, big data, machine learning, AI, image analysis, AR, DevOps/Continuous Delivery (CD), and don’t shun proven and long-trusted techs.

We are flexible in terms of cooperation. We are ready to cooperate with third-party vendors and together deliver business value to the customers. If the customer’s needs and priorities change, we can adjust the responsibility scope on the go and adapt service timelines to the new context.

We know how to deal with complex enterprise IT landscapes that have evolved for decades. For 11 years, we’ve been accumulating the experience from multiple projects and learned the tricks to tame the systems of various nature and architectural patterns.

We focus on technology of the solutions we deliver and manage. We analyze how to optimize operational, maintenance, and other costs during a solution’s life cycle.

We combine innovative minds and the in-depth knowledge of a wide technology spectrum with the aspiration to provide solutions for complex enterprise-level challenges in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, banking, retail, telecommunications, travel & hospitality, entertainment, and more.

Application development

Over the years, Brainiac Solutions has been doing its best to maintain the status of a trusted partner and provided high-quality services of designing, building, and operating enterprise applications of various purposes, architectures and technology stacks.

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Application management

We can take responsibility for the management of your applications ensuring its increased business flexibility and optimized IT costs. With latest process management practices, our team will maintain and monitor your application servers and databases taking care of their enhanced performance, sustainability, stability and keepin them in sync with current business needs.

Tell us about your idea, and we’ll make it happen.

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